How to Make Cabbage Juice

Have you ever wondered how to make cabbage juice?

Whether you’re looking to try a new healthy drink or curious about the benefits of cabbage juice, this step-by-step guide will show you how to create this vibrant and nutritious beverage in the comfort of your own home.

Get ready to squeeze the goodness out of cabbage and unlock its incredible potential!

What You Need

To make cabbage juice, you will need the following ingredients and kitchen utensils:


1 small head of cabbage
2 cups of water

Kitchen utensils:

Cutting board
Blender or juicer
Fine mesh strainer
Large bowl or pitcher
Glass bottles or jars for storing the juice

Make sure to choose a fresh, firm head of cabbage for the best results.

Wash the cabbage thoroughly under running water to remove any dirt or debris.

Place the cutting board on a stable surface and use the knife to carefully remove the outer leaves of the cabbage.

Cut the cabbage into smaller pieces, ensuring they are of a manageable size for your blender or juicer.

If using a blender, add the chopped cabbage and water to the blender jar.

If using a juicer, feed the cabbage pieces through the chute and collect the juice in a bowl or pitcher.

Blend or juice until you have a smooth consistency.

Next, place a fine mesh strainer over the large bowl or pitcher and pour the cabbage mixture through to remove any solids.

Use the back of a spoon to press down on the solids and extract as much juice as possible.

Discard the remaining pulp.

Finally, transfer the cabbage juice into glass bottles or jars for storage.

It is recommended to consume the juice within 1-2 days for maximum freshness and nutritional benefits.

Enjoy your homemade cabbage juice!


To make cabbage juice, start by thoroughly washing a head of cabbage under cool water.

This helps to remove any dirt or residue that may be present on the leaves.

Once the cabbage is clean, use a sharp knife to cut it into quarters.

This makes it easier to handle and fit into the juicer.

Next, remove the tough outer leaves and discard them.

These leaves can be fibrous and may not juice as well.

Trim the cabbage quarters into smaller pieces, making sure to remove the core as you go.

The core can be tough and bitter, so it’s best to discard it.

Once all the cabbage has been prepped, it’s ready to be juiced!

Step-by-Step Juicing Instructions

To make cabbage juice, follow these step-by-step instructions:1.

Prepare the cabbage:

  1. Choose a fresh and firm cabbage head.
  2. Remove any outer leaves that are wilted or damaged.
  3. Rinse the cabbage under cold water to remove any dirt or debris.
  4. Cut the cabbage into smaller pieces for easier juicing.

Choose a juicing method:

  • Option 1: Juicer
  1. Set up your juicer according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
  2. Place a glass or container under the juicer’s spout to collect the juice.
  3. Feed the cabbage pieces into the juicer, pressing them down with a pusher.
  4. Repeat this process until all the cabbage has been juiced.
  • Option 2: Blender
  1. Add the cabbage pieces to a blender.
  2. Add a small amount of water to help with blending.
  3. Blend the cabbage on high speed until it becomes a smooth puree.
  4. Use a fine-mesh strainer or cheesecloth to strain the pulp from the juice.

Collect the juice:

  1. Pour the cabbage juice into a glass or container.
  2. If desired, you can add a squeeze of lemon or other fruits for added flavor.
  3. Stir the juice well to combine any added ingredients.

Serve and store:

  1. Drink the cabbage juice immediately to enjoy its freshness and maximum nutrients.
  2. If you have any leftover juice, store it in an airtight container in the refrigerator.
  3. Cabbage juice is best consumed within 2-3 days for optimal taste and nutritional benefits.

Now you have a delicious and nutritious homemade cabbage juice ready to be enjoyed!

Cheers to your health!

Storing and Using Cabbage Juice

After making cabbage juice, it is important to properly store and use it to maintain its freshness and maximize its benefits.

To store cabbage juice, transfer it into an airtight container and refrigerate it.

This will help prolong its shelf-life and prevent the growth of harmful bacteria.

In terms of its usage, cabbage juice can be incorporated into various recipes and drinks.

It can be used as a base for smoothies, added to soups for added nutrients, or even used as a dressing for salads.

Additionally, cabbage juice can be consumed on its own as a health tonic.

For optimal results, it is recommended to consume the cabbage juice within 2-3 days of preparation.

However, if you notice any changes in color, odor, or taste, it is best to discard it to avoid any potential health risks.

So, enjoy the benefits of cabbage juice by storing it safely and exploring its myriad of applications!


In conclusion, making cabbage juice is a simple and straight, forward process that anyone can do at home.

By following these step-by-step instructions, you can transform a humble head of cabbage into a nutritious and refreshing drink.

Start by selecting a fresh and firm cabbage from your local grocery store or farmers market.

Wash the cabbage thoroughly under cold water, removing any dirt or debris.

Cut the cabbage into smaller pieces and place them in a blender or juicer.

Add a small amount of water to help with the blending process.

Blend until you achieve a smooth consistency and no large chunks of cabbage remain.

If desired, you can strain the juice to remove any remaining pulp or fibrous bits.

Pour the juice into a glass or container of your choice and enjoy it immediately for maximum freshness and flavor.

You can also refrigerate the cabbage juice for later consumption, although it is best consumed within a day or two.

So why not give it a try?

Making your own cabbage juice is a great way to incorporate more vegetables into your diet and experience the numerous health benefits that cabbage has to offer.

Cheers to your health and happy juicing!


What are the health benefits of cabbage juice?

Cabbage juice is packed with nutrients that can provide numerous health benefits.

It is rich in vitamins C and K, which help boost the immune system and promote healthy blood clotting.

Cabbage juice also contains antioxidants that can protect against cell damage and reduce inflammation.

Additionally, it may aid digestion, promote weight loss, and support heart health.

How many cabbages do I need to make a glass of cabbage juice?

The amount of cabbages needed to make a glass of cabbage juice depends on the size of the cabbages and personal preference, but generally, one medium-sized cabbage should be sufficient.

How do I choose a good cabbage for juicing?

When choosing a cabbage for juicing, look for one that is firm and dense with crisp leaves.

Avoid cabbages that have wilted or discolored outer leaves, as this may indicate decay or spoilage.

It is also important to choose a cabbage that is free from bruises or cracks, as these can affect the taste and quality of the juice.

Opt for cabbages that feel heavy for their size, as this indicates a higher water content and juiciness.

Whether you’re using green or purple cabbage, selecting a fresh and vibrant one will ensure a flavorful and nutritious cabbage juice.

Do I need to wash the cabbage before juicing?

Yes, it is important to wash the cabbage thoroughly before juicing to remove dirt, bacteria, and pesticides.

Can I use both green and red cabbage for juicing?

Yes, you can use both green and red cabbage for juicing.

Both varieties contain beneficial nutrients and can be juiced to create a colorful and healthy beverage.

Is there any need to peel the cabbage before juicing?

Yes, it is recommended to peel the cabbage before juicing as the outer leaves can be tough and may not blend well, resulting in a more fibrous and less smooth juice.

What kind of juicer is best for cabbage juice?

A masticating juicer is best for making cabbage juice.

Can I add other ingredients to my cabbage juice?

Yes, you can definitely add other ingredients to your cabbage juice to enhance the flavor or add additional health benefits.

Some popular additions include carrots, apples, lemon, ginger, and mint leaves.

Experiment with different combinations to find your preferred taste!

How long can I store cabbage juice?

Cabbage juice can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 3-4 days.

Is cabbage juice safe for everyone?

Cabbage juice is generally safe for consumption, but it is always recommended to consult with a healthcare professional before incorporating it into your diet, especially if you have any specific health conditions or concerns.

Can I consume cabbage juice daily?

Yes, you can consume cabbage juice daily as it is packed with nutrients and has numerous health benefits.

However, it’s important to monitor your body’s response and consult with a healthcare professional if you have any specific health conditions or concerns.

Are there any adverse effects of drinking too much cabbage juice?

Drinking excessive amounts of cabbage juice can lead to certain adverse effects.

Cabbage juice contains compounds called isothiocyanates, which in excess can cause digestive problems such as bloating, gas, and diarrhea.

Additionally, consuming large quantities of cabbage juice may interfere with thyroid function due to its goitrogenic properties.

It is important to consume cabbage juice in moderation and consult with a healthcare professional if you have any underlying health conditions.

Can I use cabbage juice in cooking?

Yes, cabbage juice can be used in cooking.

It can be added to soups, sauces, or used as a base for cooking other vegetables.

Cabbage juice can also be used as a natural food coloring for various dishes.